We now have a very appropriate tagline for this year’s retreat. It is: Healing Through Grace & Community.

As I type these thoughts, I am thinking how appropriate this is as a theme. First, it is through grace that we can find a new and better life. Second, in order to make this new and better life come true, it requires a strong community. Together we create both community and grace.
I know for me personally, grace and community have led to my most recent strong recovery. After having a major failure in my own recovery, I only found my way back via grace and community. First, I had to accept that I was given grace. Who gave me this grace? It was both my higher power as well as the community I rejoined. If you’d like to know more about my own story, I’d love to share with you at this year’s retreat.
Come on out to one or more days. This year the retreat goes from August 22-25. We will have more time to enjoy community and grace this year. No matter if you are new to recovery or have been coming back long or off and on, you can find some strong positive recovery here. This will be our 35th annual retreat.
For me, I have been coming since 2006. Let me share with you that each year brings its own special value. Just come open to receive from your higher power, and you will receive. There are so many opportunities to strengthen and grow your own personal recovery. Better yet, use this time to grow your own community to help ensure stronger recovery, one-day-at-a-time.
Set aside the dates, August 22-25. Please share with others. Remind your recovery friends that this retreat is for anyone from any of the sexual recovery fellowships. We are open and welcoming. It is through grace and community that we can all recover alone and together.